COURSE-WIDE BONUS (3-5%) Essays & Grades 8/22/22


  • *25 points for the (Typed - although you may fill-in the blanks with pen) Library Assignment (turned-in BEFORE the MIDTERM Exam) - 2 charts & 2 bacterial names
  • *25 points for preparing a study sheet or set of PARASITE FLASH CARDS life cycles (Chapter 11 the 5 Great Categories of Parasitic Disease of Mankind - see online under FE Material for the OUTLINE of the 7 questions about each parasite you must research and answer)   
  • *100 points VOLUNTEER to help out in - to prove term help your LRB is signed on inside cover in your last class: (a) class projector setup before and after class (2 people); (b) West sink cleaner after class (2); (c) East sink cleaner after class (2); (d) before class scope cleaners (5); (e) after class scope CHECKERS (5); (f) secretary roll assignment keepers (2); (g) after classroom checkers (4); (h) Discard CHECKERS (3).  If you decide you want one of these then put it after your name on the roll in the first classy and send me an email; in the subject line say "I want to be a blank blank blank 
  • Note: that the posted daily AGENDA in class "trumps" any course calendar and that this website items posted as LATE ANNOUNCEMENTS "trumps" the Daily AgendA

    This is my personal email address and is to be used for student contact for daily immediate class questions

    *=required Bonus Assignment

TEST/BONUS/Lab Record Book Evaluation RULES:
  • If you keep NOTES in your Lab Record Book (front to back with the date viewed and title on the top line and with an (*) at the upper right hand corner of each first page of notes of all assigned class videos, I will assign 25 Bonus points or -2 for each missing video from 25 total points. HOW THE LRB IS DONE FOR FALL 2022 IS CHANGED - UPDATED SOON
  • You can never have MORE than the total of points possible on any test or exam. Occasionally a Biweekly/Chapter test will have around 5-10 points for an extra short answer essay or question or a BONUS built into the DIRECTIONS for the evaluation - this encourages following the directions exactly.  If you do not complete your scantrons or submissions (PRINT) Last name then first name, your section number, and the date in the upper right corner of any homework/assignment AND on the FRONT SIDE ONLY of any Scantron.  DO NOT FAIL TO LIST YOUR FORM LETTER AND TEST NUMBER in any TEST No. area  (-5 each error)!
  • The MIDTERM EXAM has "WORD" Questions which are similar to a crossword puzzle.  These questions are worth up to 10-20 points a piece and will be computed as part of the EXAM as well as for some BONUS POINTS on the total MIDTERM SCORE.  HOWEVER, no exam can exceed 100% when the bonus is added to the score.  YOU MUST ATTEMPT AT LEAST 1 WORDGAME QUESTION - you must show your work to achieve credit for these questions. The maximum recorded for any evaluation is 100%.
  • Points "over" 90% on an extraordinarily well done typed final UNKNOWN REPORT may be given ONLY at the PRE-GRADING, not after correction and submission in the Final Exam Packet. Here are some examples of extra effort: alphabetized tables - photos - interesting info included... and during PRE-grading ONLY - your pre-grade is your Final Grade on the Unknown Report only if you do the corrections requested and turn in the final draft with the stapled title page from the pre-grade in your Final Exam Packet.  YOU CAN NOT IMPROVE YOUR UNKNOWN REPORT PRE-GRADE!  IT IS THE FINAL GRADE if you do the corrections --- so do a good job on the PRE-GRADE!  Maximum is 100% as on any graded assignment
* Rarely a few Pop Quiz "Bonus" points may be added to your Chapter Test grade; this will be announced online and in class.

(a) Essay/Quiz/Chapter Tests

If you are told there will be an Essay it will appear here - a few days before the scheduled administration - which could be at ANY TIME after the lecture over that essay material is completed or assigned in the lecture!!  There will be a few "ALL ESSAY" BiWeekly tests.  All essays are IN CLASS from memory ON MY PAPER!

Essay 1 or A: Intro Notes - "What is Science?"(a) Define SCIENCE as we did in class (explain each important term briefly); (b)  discuss the nature or process of Science and (c) Discuss the goal of Science…(d) Differentiate between Pseudoscience and Science

Essay 2 or B:  Explain the purpose of a SMEAR.  Discuss the "theory" concerning HOW each stain works.

Essay 3 or C:  How do you focus (steps), as well as clean and store your microscope?

WORD QUESTIONS on the Midterm/Lab Practical 2 - you will have about 4 - ONE WILL BE REQUIRED OF EVERYONE and 3 will be BONUS!

ESSAY CHOICES MIDTERM:  Choose only 1 (ONE) of the following for BONUS POINTS

D) Compare Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes 1 of the following
        · Protein synthesis + action
        · DNA action + syn.
        · Photosynthesis


E) Explain Enz. Induction or Enz. Repression (use outline + drawing)

Essay F: Answer the 7 questions concerning each example of Eurkaryotic Parasitic Disease covered in class from my website - THE 5 GREAT Neglected Diseases of Mankind (Eukaryotic Flashcards).

Essay G: Explain: Prions, Viroids, Virusoids, Satellites, and Viruses... how are they similar, how are they different?

Essay H: Explain briefly the viral diseases emphasized in Chapter 10 online PowerPoint.  Know the virus vocabulary!

Essay I: Explain the "AIDS TIMELINE" from the Powerpoint notes.

Essay J:  Explain how to: pour and cool an agar plate, do an isolation streak, do the "Dots-R-Us" Lab, do the "Purity" Lab, and the Optimum Temperature Lab (STRAIGHT LINE 2 SLANTS!)

Essay K:  What are "AIDS Denialists?" What techniques do they use? Discuss their ideas and why they are mistaken (the 7 Deadly Deceptions).

Essay L:  Discuss the 4 phases of HIV/AIDS (CDC pages 555-560 Text chapter 18) and the AIDS Timeline (PPnotes).

Essay M:  Describe the origin of HIV-1 and HIV-2; discuss the reasons & social changes that resulted in HIV/AIDS spreading around the world during its last "jump" into man versus the previous two movements into man.

Essay N:  Discuss Hep B or C and its treatment and prevention.  Which of these has a purported "cure" and what does that mean?

Essay O: Discuss HIV prevention efforts with respect to the cheapest worldwide efforts, safer sex education, and prophylaxis -TRUVADA, Discovy, or PrEP.

Essay P: Discuss the progress toward an effective HIV vaccine... Problems, failures, possible future progress

Essay Q: Discuss the first viral cure.  What disease, why, treatments, and most difficult genotype to treat.  Use the following: SVR, Interferon, protease inhibitor, endoplasmic reticulum, Ribavirin

Essay R: Discuss the "latest" approach to controlling the spread of HIV with respect to early detection, treatment, undetectable viral load, and PrEP.

Essay S: Explain the origin and significance of Nosocomial infections.

Essay T: Differentiate between nonspecific and specific immunity; discuss at least 4 components of each.

Essay U: Differentiate between cellular and humoral immunity; discuss at least 4 components of each.



ALL COURSE GRADES ARE WEIGHTED OUT OF 100% and must be at least 90% must be from paper/pencil in-class practicals, testing and evaluation.  You may see your instr to understand:  

NOTE: The Laboratory Practical 1, MidTerm/Laboratory Practical 2 (recorded as 3 times...once as the MC point as a BiWeekly test, once as another BiWeekly test WORD BONUS points & as total MT Exam score and the Final Exam scores are posted on your grade sheet as both a Chapter Test and an Exam score. 

Exam scores when recorded as an EXAM cannot be dropped.  The 1 lowest BiWeekly test score is dropped if we have at least 10 recorded BiWeekly test scoresSome longer Chapter Tests or Sections of majors exams count as Biweekly Tests - the last BW counts as 2 BW tests -you will be notified when a Chapter Test counts 2X or it will be listed on the Calendar as 2 BW's.

REQUIRED EVALUATIONS to PASS MICROBIOLOGY with an average of 60% are the:

    COURSE GRADE COMPOSITION: EXAMS + LRB + Unknown + BiWeekly Tests = 100% or 1000 pts

    Exam 1 = Lab Practical 1/Chapter Exam 1 20% or 200 pts;
    Exam 2 Midterm/Lab Practical 2 Exam 2 20% or 200 pts;
    Exam 3 Comprehensive Final Exam 3 20% or 200 pts.

    Laboratory Record Book/Handouts/Signature Binder 100 pts

    Typed APA-style Formal Unknown Report = 20% or 200 pts.

    BiWeekly Tests (drop 1 lowest/10) BW = 15% or 100 pts.

    CLASSWIDE BONUS 150 Points

    *Group Library Assignment+25pts 
    Hep C/Parasites+25pts
    CLASS Volunteer+100 pts. & others to be announced
    *required assignment

    Inc or INCOMPLETES are given only for verified college excused absence/work. If you receive an incomplete, DO NOT RE-REGISTER FOR THE CLASS!  Please see the instructor to complete the required work within 1 year or the Incomplete reverts to an “F.”  

    GRADESHEETS are emailed to students at your official college email address after each major portion of the above 1st 5 course requirements are met. Check your name, ID#, and the listed scores ASAP and bring any correction to the attention of the instructor, scores become FINAL after 2 weeks and are then un-alterable. Please review AND sign the last grade sheet before the final exam, print it out, & include it in your Final Exam Day Packet.

    Important Dates/Repeats: Effective July 1, 2012 students are allowed three (3) attempts to pass a single class within the Los Angeles Community College District. If a student gets a “W”, “D”, “F”, or “NP” as a grade in a class, that counts as an attempt. If you think you will not be able to complete this course with a C or better, please drop by the due date which is LISTED AT:

    YOUR FINAL GRADE IS ASSIGNED AS A WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF THE FOLLOWING: A = 90%; B = 80%; C = 70%; D = 60%; F<or = 59%; & "I" or Incomplete grades are only for extreme illness or other emergencies and/or less than one week of missed classes AND you must make-up and "I" grade within the first 6 (SIX) weeks of the NEXT term (1 yr for M-1, 20 and 40).  Incomplete grades are given only for verifiable illness or emergency - DOCUMENTED.  An "I" is not given just because your final average is not acceptable to you.  If you received an "i" grade, come to the class you wish to attend within the first week with 1 yr.  DO NOT RE-register!

    EVALUATION Measurements:

    1) % Lab Practical I Exam Average * (LP1 = Chapter 3 The Microscope + scope use & care and your demonstration and interpretation of smears & stains from memory - usually based on 100%) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade. The % achieved on LP1 grade is also used as a Chapter Test Score. EXAM scores may NOT be dropped but one used as a Chapter Test score may be dropped.

    2) % MIDTERM/Lab Practical II Exam 2* (a complete class period exam with 200 multiple choice questions over lecture chapters 1-5 + LP1 and "Unknown Cards" - usually based on 100%) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade - THIS EXAM IS THE MAJOR DETERMINANT OF YOUR FINAL CLASS GRADE IN MICROBIOLOGY - know your LAB MANUAL UNKNOWN TESTS CARDS! The % achieved on the MIDTERM grade is also used as a 2 Chapter Test Scores.  The MT TOTAL EXAM score is composed of the Multiple Choice score plus the Word Bonus Points and as an EXAM may NOT be dropped.  A MT Multiple Choice score used as a Chapter Test score may be dropped.

    3) % Lab Unknown Report Average* (there are 2 at %6 each for Micro-1; 1 for M-20 and Biol 112) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade. 
    This grade is NOT a part of your Chapter Test grades.

    4Lab Record Book/Handout/Signature Binder = 100 points if 80% complete ONTIME ONLY

    5SEMI-COMPREHENSIVE BiWEEKLY TESTS  = your % average achieved (-3 are dropped if we have 15 or more BW scores in 1 semester or -2 are dropped when there are at least 10 recorded BW scores; if less than 10 then only the 1 lowest is dropped) is weighted 15% of your Final Class Grade; Usually these tests are given on the first class day of the testing week (Sunday BEFORE eXAMS IS  "Call the Prof from 12-3 PM for Q and A!")...  These tests are usually 90% from the material covered since the last evaluation and 10% comprehensive.  They are usually on ON CANVAS AND SOMETIMES ON A Scantron #882 and may include BONUS questions that apply to that test score only.  The test questions are mostly MANY MULTIPLE CHOICE 7-15 with 1-2 short answer questions or essays (see essay list above).  If a great deal of material is covered, then 1-2 Chapter tests may count 2X - this will be announced before the evaluation. 

    IMPORTANT HINT! Review and work out MY old test questions weekly in a 4-person "study group."


    Chapter tests are somewhat comprehensive but do EMPHASIZE the past week's lectures/assignments (including essay topics) and your ASSIGNED READINGS/videos and lab material!  They are MANY multiple-choice, short answers, essay, and word problems. 

    6) COMPREHENSIVE Final Exam* = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade... The % you achieve on this test is included as a Chapter Test score. 
    EXAM scores may NOT be dropped but one used as a Chapter Test score may be dropped.

    ADDITIONAL "OVER THE TOP" BONUS POINTS! These points are Never more than 5% as determined by the number of Bonus points offered that term and the Dept Chair (Final Grade % + 10% = 110% possible) of the FINAL GRADE.  The Bonus POINTS include: pts for pop quiz scores and 25 pts (see BONUS for other ways to obtain the 100 Bonus Points!) for submitting THE LIBRARY ASSIGNMENT BEFORE THE MIDTERM EXAM and 25 pts for the Hep C/Eukaryotic Parasite Studysheet due the second to last week of classes each term.   You may work "TOGETHER" on these Bonus assignments but everyone must participate and each person must be listed the LAST name first on the cover page.  IF YOU WORK TOGETHER YOU BETTER KNOW THE MATERIAL INDIVIDUALLY - DO NOT LET ONE PERSON DO ALL THE WORK!  NO MORE THAN 4 people can work together on these assignments.

    Additionally, the MIDTERM may have some built-in Bonus Points as a puzzle based on knowing the inoculation, incubation, and evaluation information on all the unknown experiments (explained during the MIDTERM Review).

    NOTE: Final grades must be at least 80% must be from paper/pencil in-class practicals, testing, and evaluation. 

    *THE 3 MAJOR Exams must be taken "IN-CLASS" with the exception of those students who take tests/exams at the college testing center  (for those students with verified learning disabilities).  Students with learning disabilities must officially notify the instructor during the first week of class so that appropriate measures to assist them may be organized.

    NOTE: Pop Quizzes are often given THURS during the last 10 min of Lecture and not when you are having another type of evaluation that week. The positive points will be added to your class BONUS. PQ's are given to let you know what you should be reviewing and where you stand in preparation for the daily lecture and the next chapter test.  PQ's are usually 10 multiple choice questions (10 min for the multiple choice pop quizzes; ~8 from the last class information presented and ~2 from the assigned readings) or a short 1/4-1/2 page Essay on the essay material we just finished in the lecture (you will have 10 min for the essays)... PQ's are graded and computed during the last week of classes but may be reviewed orally to the whole class the same week if requested. NOTE:  If you submit photos of your stains ( or good short videos of how to inoculate or read your Unknown Test experiments, you will receive 1 point for PQ's; several of these would change your PQ average over the term to 75% or above which would equal up to a +0.99% push to the next higher grade in the course.

    ADDITIONAL RULES, Assistance, and Recommendations for my classes:   This class is not difficult but it is very very time-consuming and requires the good organization as well as discrimination with respect to your personal time constraints. If you are great at short answers and essays or if you are not willing to keep up with the assignments and work "AHEAD" of your deadlines - perhaps you should take another Microbiology instructor - each instructor teaches the class slightly differently and has slightly different daily/weekly requirements and testing methods.   If you want to make a good grade (B or A) in my sections please ask me to discuss "How to make an "A" in microbiology.

    I loan you A M20 LAB GUIDE for the term (please return it)! WE WILL ASK YOU TO MEMORIZE THE LAB GUIDE A LITTLE AT THE TIME in order to understand and learn about the lab procedures and to reduce the expensive losses that we have when students misuse testing laboratory media.  Many students find this advance preparation/learning requirement upsetting and too time-consuming; you should consider this in advance of taking my classes (talk to others that have taken Micro from me).  The purpose of the advanced Lab Manual assignments is to familiarize you with the material for the Lab Practical (20%) and the MIDTERM Exam (20%) and to reduce lab losses from students who do not understand "how" to do each experiment.  Additionally, you should read the following additional class considerations:
    • There are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS/TESTS etc... You will receive an "i" in the class if you miss a major exam and do not "plan" for another administration with permission (usually within a day or so during my office hours at my convenience). 

    • On any exam, you may NOT exceed the maximum of the points for the exam - YOU CANNOT MAKE MORE THAN 100% ON ANY EVALUATION, should there be a BONUS offered on the test/exam.

    • You cannot miss a major course requirement/assignment and you must take the tests during the regular posted times (I may offer the test at another time within a day or so from your assigned test. With verified excuses, ask for permission to take it at another administration during my office hours at my convenience).

    • THERE ARE NO BONUS POINTS IN THE CLASS other than those listed and available to EVERYONE Unknown CARDS + Lib. Assignment & as a few Essays given as Pop Quizzes).  No one is given any Bonus assignments not available to EVERYONE equally. The total Bonus points in a class cannot exceed 3-5% of the total class points.

    • If you are LATE - there is NO EXTRA TIME.  Remember if you arrive late, for a weekly chapter exam you will be given the question sheet but your paper will be taken at the normal EXAM END TIME the same as everyone who attended on time - NO MAKEUPS!  YOU MAY COME and BEGIN/PREPARE EARLY!
    • You will receive a grade sheet at least 4 times during the term if you supply me with your official college email address during the first week of classes or if it is on the college registration.  I will communicate with you through this email in emergency circumstances. 
    • On the Sunday before SOME exams, I will be AVAILABLE for A REVIEW ZOOM SESSION.  You can also submit up to 10 practice questions/PERSON for me to grade and comment on your answers through EMAIL.
    • CHEATING will not be tolerated in any form.  I am different from any other instructor you have known - I enforce academic honesty completely.  If you often cheat, I suggest you take another instructor.  I will NOT tolerate cheating in any form.  If you see cheating, I expect to be informed at that instant - even during evaluation. If you see cheating and you do not inform me, you are considered guilty of cheating as well.  I expect those around a cheater to tell me if they see cheating immediately by email if it is an out-of-class assignment or using discrete notes to me during a test/exam.  If you are caught cheating, you will receive a "0" for that assignment; if it is a Chapter test your benefit of dropping the two lowest grades will be void and you will receive a "0" for that chapter test.  If you are caught cheating on major course requirements, you must drop the class take a W, or withdraw - WF.  When cheating occurs, I will ask you to leave the class immediately and I will ask for and record all information on the incident.  This information and my evaluation will be forwarded to the Dept. Head for action and a meeting with you, the Dept. Head and myself.  Further action may be taken at the discretion of the college.  Officially recorded academic dishonesty may result in a notation on your Academic Record and can affect you for the rest of your life.  Cheating is easily defined (plagiarism is cheating in my classes) but if you need additional exact definitions please see the LONG SYLLABUS or your college advisor.  NOTE:  texting, talking, or communicating with anyone during an evaluation is cheating.


    TYPICAL GRADE SHEETS are sent to you by email at least 4 times during the term such as the one below...

    NOTE: I do not drop the first tests until AFTER you take LP1.  After evaluations, the questions will be in DropBox AFTER I distribute the scantrons.  An example grade sheet may be seen below...

    School: Los Angeles City College

    315587245 HICKS, DONALD R
    Subject: Microbiology 20 #0930 T⁄Th
    Teacher: HicksMicro@gmail.comFebruary 26, 2013
    Feb12Test A Syl+Safety+Ch1CH-BW TESTS100100
    Feb12Test B Syl+Safety+Ch 2CH-BW TESTS100100
    CH-BW TESTS200200100.0%A+
    LAB PRACT 1 EXAM00--
    Extra Credit00
    Final Exam00--
    Spring 2013100.0%A+
    BETTER TEST DATES are tentative dates only - SEE COURSE GOOGLE CALENDAR for more exact dates for the major exams and BW Tests (under construction)

    * Inc/INC in a POINTS column or in the MISSING MATERIALS COLUMN MEANS (=) see the INSTRUCTOR IN YOUR NEXT CLASS! I need to speak with you ASAP. A "0" in that column means everything is OK!  Thanks, DRH
    NOTE GRADE CHANGE: This class is graded so that I DROP your 3 lowest BiWeekly Tests & gain CLASS-WIDE BONUS POINTS by doing the assigned BONUS material (Cards); 1st Drop EVEN after LP1. DO NOT PANIC - this is your first test. NEXT week BW Test C!



    This is a LEVEL 3 (trust level) Guide to the Course Date see the right-hand menu itemLEVEL 2 is the Daily Agenda and the BEST or LEVEL 1 is "The Week in Brief" found on the INDEX page of the Microblogsite...

    When I post a class CALENDAR it will be the second week of the term -  remember this must be RECONSTRUCTED each term and is quite lengthy - BE PATIENT - it takes a week or so!

    Please note:  (1) This calendar may change at any point (2) the Calendar is assumed to be accurate +/- 2 class periods (3)  I will adjust the Calendar according to the speed of lecture and laboratory (4) If there is a particularly bad evaluation I may repeat the TEST in the NEXT CLASS- be ready! and (5) THE DAILY WEBPAGE "WEEK IN BRIEF" ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by the DAILY AGENDA - "TRUMP"  the CALENDAR if they conflict!