Agendas, Video Motes, & Lab Data 

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LRB Rules your LRB Grade is icluded in  the Final Class Grade and required to pass the course

Obtain a "Mead-type" string bound (NOT wire or loose leaf) notebook (lined or unlined). This book will be called your Lab Record Book (LRB) and will be kept in  a specific manner and submitted for % of your final class grade The LRB is a legal log of your class attendance and laboratory data and is your experimental procedure completion proof.  All medical personnel must maintain a personal log for liability purposes, this is an attempt to help you begin such a protective habit in a lab situation.

On the first page of your LRB write your personal information in BLACK INK. PRINT YOUR LAST & first name, College ID#, class and section number,  and the college and term information.  Be sure to include your contact or LOST information: your email address, phone number, seat/scope number and your lab drawer and lab partner contact information.

FROM the front to the back direction of the book, put each class attendance date & then the Agenda on the second and subsequent pages in the upper right hand corner.  Start a new page each day (you may write on the back of the pages).  Copy into your book ALL of the information provided from the instructor Announcements/Assignments section of the black board or Agenda email.  This is usually found on the left side of the instructor black board each day as Assignments and Announcements & date.  

LRB RULES:  Write in black ink only - no pencil.  Do NOT ERASE or USE WHITE-OUT or correction tape.  If you make an error, strike 1 line through the error and then initial, date and correct above the error.  NEVER ERASE!

EVERYTHING YOU DO IN the Unknowns LAB is Lab Data including any drawings and instructor approval signatures.  This should be recorded from the back of the LRB to the front (turn the LRB over and then up-side down and begin on page 2 with the date, instructions, drawings, tables and signatures).  Use the first page to record that this is the LABORATORY DATA Book of...

REMEMBER!  The front inner cover (backside) will be have a volunteer assignment for in-person classes that is later initialed by me with Sharpee indicating that you were a successful class volunteer.  I will write your assignment during the first week of the term and I will initial the statement at the END OF THE TERM indicating that you satisfactorily completed your volunteer position. Those not volunteering in class and who are taking Microbiology 40 HAVE A LRB GRADES STARTING AT 100% & NOT AS USUAL BY ADDING ASSIGNMENTS FROM 0 TO 100..  

OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: You may keep other notes in the LRB as you wish.  You may use colored pencils and or pens/markers for lab drawings in the lab DATA section. You may receive Lab Data Bonus Points for videos of lab procedures or microscope photos emailed to and used by the instructor: Do NOT ERASE or USE WHITE-OUT or correction tape.  

*LRBs are NOT returned at the end of the term but may be reviewed during the final exam period.  Add tabs for 3 sections. (1) AGENDAS 30 PAGES WRITE FRONT AND BACK. (2) SECTION 2 VIDEO HANDWRITTEN NOTES 56 PAGES COUNTING FRONT AND BACK (3)5 PAGES BACK TO FRONT UNKNOWN LAB DATA