Microbiology 20 - Short & full SYLLABUS, Calendar, INFO & SLO's Syllabus IN REVISION - the rest is OK

Microbiology 20 + Microbiology 40 together is accepted by many colleges and universities to satisfy a 5-semester Microbiology requirement as many STATE and EAST coast institutions require 5 semester hours in Microbiology.  Please check with your transfer choice directly as transfer requirements vary widely.



WELCOME to Microbiology!


Professor: Donald R Hicks                                            Labtech: Terence
SC-112/110 & SC221S                                                    SC-110/112
(213) 421-5777 (TEXT my cell in an emergency ONLY - DO NOT CALL)
(323) 953-4000   hicksmicro@gmail.com                             

OFFICE HOURS: Office hours are ~1 hour before and ~1 hour after class, during Hicks Microbiology 40 lab, or by appointment in Science Building (SCI) 110/112. The office is located on the 2nd floor in SCI #218-M (enrolled students may take the elevator to the 2nd, exit right, and proceed through the first door to the right).  Appointments should be made and confirmed by email.

CONTACT THE PROF = zOOM on the Sundays before major evaluations on or by EMAIL at any time.

Please note that the college voice-messages system in my office is checked only weekly. Emails will be answered immediately.  You may also ask questions that apply and are seen by everyone in the class using google+ (hicksmicro@gmail.com).

Sheriff's Office EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 323-662-5276 or from a campus phone press #3; call the LA CITY COLLEGE Sheriff's Office BEFORE 911!

*******EMAIL RULES AGAIN!!!!!!

The college supplies each student with a personal private unique email address which must be used in all communication. Students who do not receive emails from Professor Hicks during the first or subsequent weeks must check with enrollment personnel in the administration building immediately to verify their correct email address has been provided to the instructor and that they understand how to access and utilize this official email communication service provided by the college.   Because I RECEIVE HUNDREDS OF EMAILS A DAY AND THUS YOUR IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION TO ME MIGHT GET "LOST," DO NOT USE THE PROFESSOR'S OFFICIAL LACC EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CLASS QUESTIONS use: hicksmicro@gmail.com

All emails must include in the SUBJECT LINE:  

TO: hicksmicro@gmail.com 

SUBJECT: your SECTION NUMBER + your Last name followed by a brief topic or "HOOK or TAG" statement (for example in the subject line put something like this: section #???? Hicks Absent illness 7/1/13)

All information wished to be communicated must be written in the body of your email. Also within the body of your email, state whether an attachment is included with your email. Only "Word" documents will be accepted as attachments. This includes (.doc) and (.docx) file formats.

Do not email questions on test days or the night before any evaluation. They will not be answered as I am preparing the paperwork for the evaluation and lack time to properly answer late questions.


All papers must be typed.  All submissions for grading must have the following information PRINTED in the upper right-hand corner (or on side 1 of a Scantron in the NAME Box NOT ON THE BACK OF ANY SCANTRON!). Your PRINTED LAST name, printed first name; class name and section number (i.e., M-20 sec 19403), the test/exam form letter and number (i.e., Exam 1A #34) if on a scantron, and the date submitted. Besides Scantrons, all other submissions must be typed.  On the first page place your name, class and section number and the date in the upper right corner of the first page.  Pages must be numbered as well. Failure to follow these rules will result in -5 pts for EACH part of the rule omitted on each paper EVERY TIME you submit in error. 


Please be aware that some class lectures, labs, and help sessions are videotaped for teaching purposes and the improvement of instructions. By attending, students are consenting their permission to be filmed in a teaching situation.

Students may not enter any microbiology class or lab without the presence of the instructor or department staff. However, students may enter the classroom to wash hands, disinfect and seat themselves if the door is open. Student class Volunteers may enter to perform PRE-CLASS assignments as well - knock on the door of SC-110 & 112 if the rooms are locked and you arrive early to perform these tasks.

Students may not enter lecture ROOMS or labs and work on lab assignments without permission. Lab work may continue during scheduled course times, only.

Food and/or drinks are not allowed in or during lab, whatsoever; and no visible cups, bottles, or food containers. Smoking, make-up application, texting, talking on cell phones, sleeping, or any other distracting behavior will also not be tolerated during lectures or labs.  While microbes are present on the tables in the laboratory, all students must have their chairs "pushed" under the table-tops and be standing in proper lab attire (lab coats and gloves), if you need to exit the lab remove your lab attire - DO NOT WALK THE HALLS in lab attire.  Note: the outside corridor doors are LOCKED during any active lab (if you are locked outside - knock on the door).  

Lab spills should be disinfected immediately and the instructor notified. Glass breakage is NOT to be cleared by students - please spray disinfectant on the breakage and contact the instructor for assistance in cleaning.


PLEASE treat everyone with respect and courtesy.  Each and every student is expected to display equal and proper respect for others. Please avoid any overt or perceived actions that may be interpreted as prejudice or discrimination including but not limited to discrimination based on age, sex, religion, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or economic status. Such behavior will be grounds for immediate dismissal from class, pending administrative review.

LECTURE & LAB SEATING/Daily Procedures

Official class seating will be assigned at the conclusion of the second (2nd) week of the term. All seating for lectures and lab is in alphabetical order according to last name. Each class day, students are to leave their belongings in their assigned chairs, wash their hands (well) at the sink, and wipe down the tabletop with the provided disinfectant before touching the tabletops. Please use the same paper used to dry hands to smear the disinfectant around the tabletop and let it air-dry. Prior to exiting the lab, students are to complete these actions in reverse. Please do not leave the lab wearing smocks and/or gloves on, as it "frightens the natives in the halls."  When microbes are present, students must be in lab attire (lab coats + gloves) and the chair is to be "pushed" under the table tops (put your things in the chairs), the room doors are locked and the tabletops are disinfected with only the LRB and or lab materials left available on top for student use.


M-20 Final exams. Course Final Exams are comprehensive 200 multiple choice question exams using a Scantron #884E only. There are no Bonuses or Essay/short answer questions on the Final Exam. The questions are derived from any new material covered since the last evaluation plus questions selected from those used in previous evaluations.  

NO MORE THAN 4 mis-erasers 2X during any term will be applied to your grade.  Learn to mark carefully.  When I see cheating I take witness statements as well as the "Proctor's" statement... Then, I apply the consequences. If you wish to challenge this please make an appointment by email!  



FINAL COURSE GRADES:  Final grades must be at least 90% must be from paper/pencil in-class practicals, testing, and evaluation.  You may see your instr to understand:  NOTE: The LP1, MidTerm/Lp2, and the Unknown Report scores are posted on your grade sheet as both a Biweekly Test and an Exam score.  Some longer Biweekly materials count as 2 Biweekly Tests.

REQUIRED EVALUATIONS to PASS MICROBIOLOGY include an average of 60% on (1) the biweekly tests (note the 2 lowest are dropped - 3 in terms where we have at least 15 BW scores) (2) the Lab Practical Exam (3) the MIDTERM EXAM (4) above 60% on the Formal Unknown Report and (5) the Comprehensive Final Exam.  A grade of "0" on any part of the evaluations of 2, 3, 4, and 5 will result in a "W, WF, or F" in Microbiology.

The Weekly Pop Quizzes are NOT returned during the term but discussed in the next class and graded during the last week of classes.  The average grade on these is used to determine "border-line" grades.   An average of 70+% on the PQs will HELP you if you are within 1-2% of the next highest grade.  The graded pop quizzes and all exams and tests may be viewed by appointment after the Final Exam and will be discussed in class upon request one week after they are given.  NOTE:  Photos of your stains, lab test inoculations, and lab test evaluations may be sent to me at hicksdr@att.net and will receive credit at the rate of 1 point each added to your NEXT pop quiz.  Significant changes to your pop quiz score average can be made in this manner as the photos/videos are posted for class discussion on Google+.  A 70% PQ average can "push" a final course percentage up to 0.99% UP!

YOUR FINAL GRADE IS ASSIGNED AS FOLLOWS: A = 90%; B = 80%; C = 70%; D = 60%; F<or = 59%; & "I" or Incomplete grades are only for extreme illness or other emergencies and/or less than one week of missed classes AND you must make-up and "I" grade within the first 6 (SIX) weeks of the NEXT term (1 yr for M-1, 20 and 40).  Incomplete grades are given only for verifiable illness or emergency - DOCUMENTED.  An "I" is not given just because your final average is not acceptable to you.

COURSE GRADE COMPOSITION: EXAMS + LRB + Unknown + BiWeekly Tests = 100% or 1000 pts

Exam 1 = Lab Practical 1/Chapter Exam 20% or 200 pts;

Exam 2 Lab Practical 2/Chapter Exam 20% or 200 pts;

Exam 3 Comprehensive Final Exam 20% or 200 pts

Laboratory Record Book/HANDOUT/SIGNATURE BINDERwith of 80% video notes & Lab Data Signatures = 10% OR 100 pts

Typed APA-style Formal Unknown Report = 20% or 200 pts

BiWeekly Tests (drop 1 lowest if we have at least 10) = 15% or 150 pts

BONUS 3-5%*Group Library Assignment+25pts; Hep C/Parasites+25pts PARASITE HEP C STUDY MATERIALS = 25 PTS, Volunteer IN CLASS= 100 pts

*required of everyone

Inc or INCOMPLETES are given only for verified college excused absence/work. If you receive an incomplete, DO NOT RE-REGISTER FOR THE CLASS!  Please see the instructor complete the required work within 1 year or the Incomplete reverts to an “F.”  

GRADESHEETS are emailed to students at your official college email address after each major portion of the above 1st 5 course requirements are met. Check your name, ID#, and the listed scores ASAP and bring any correction to the attention of the instructor, scores become FINAL after 2 weeks and are then un-alterable. Please review AND sign the last grade sheet before the final exam, print it out, & include it in your Final Exam Day Packet.

Drop Dates/Repeats: Effective July 1, 2012 students are allowed three (3) attempts to pass a single class within the Los Angeles Community College District. If a student gets a “W”, “D”, “F”, or “NP” as a grade in a class, that counts as an attempt. If you think you will not be able to complete this course with a C or better, please drop by the due date which is LISTED AT: https://www.lacitycollege.edu/

EVALUATION Measurements:

1) Lab Practical I Exam Grade * (LP1 = Chapter 3 The Microscope + scope use & care and your demonstration and interpretation of smears & stains from memory - usually based on 100%) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade. The % achieved on LP1 grade is also used as a Chapter Test Score.

2) MIDTERM/Lab Practical II Exam 2 Grade* (a complete class period exam with 200 multiple choice questions over lecture chapters 1-5 + LP1 and "Unknown Cards" - usually based on 100%) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade - THIS EXAM IS THE MAJOR DETERMINANT OF YOUR FINAL CLASS GRADE IN MICROBIOLOGY - know your Unknown CARDS! The % achieved on the MIDTERM grade is also used as a Chapter Test Score.

3) Lab Unknown Report Grade* (there are 2 at %6 each for Micro-1; 1 for M-20 and Biol 112) = your % is weighted 20% of your Final Class Grade. The % achieved on the Unknown Report grade may sometimes used as a BiWeekly Test Score although usually it is NOT used in as a
Chapter score.

4) Lab Record Book/HANDOUTS/SIGNATURE BINDER Grade* =  10% OR 100 POINTS of your Final Class Grade.  This grade is NOT a part of your Chapter Test grades.

5) SEMI-COMPREHENSIVE BiWeekly/TESTS  = your % average achieved (-1 your dropped  lowest scores) is weighted 10% OR 100 POINTS of your Final Class Grade; Usually these tests are given on the first class day of the testing week (Sunday is almost always "ZOOM REVIEW is Sundays BEFORE MAJOR EXAMS for Q and A!" 

NOTE: I will drop the 1 lowest BiWeekly test score(s); these chapter tests are 60-90 min each and are given as posted on the class calendar. IF IN CLASS, DO NOT BE LATE AS NO EXTRA TIME WILL BE GIVEN.  BiWeekly Chapter tests are somewhat comprehensive but do EMPHASIZE the past week's lectures/assignments (including essay topics) and your ASSIGNED READINGS!  They are multiple choice, short answer, essay, and word problems.

6) COMPREHENSIVE Final Exam* = your % is weighted 200 points or 20% of your Final Class Grade... The % you achieve on this test is also included as a BW Test score.

ADDITIONAL "OVER THE TOP" BONUS PONTS! These points are Never more than 3-4% (Final Grade % + 3-5% = 103% possible) of the FINAL GRADE.  The Bonus POINTS include: THE ASSIGNED OUT OF CLASS VIDEO NOTEBOOK 50 points plus THE LIBRARY ASSIGNMENT 25 pts (BEFORE THE MIDTERM EXAM) and 25 pts for the Eukaryotic Parasite Cards due the second to last week of classes each term. 

Additionally, the MIDTERM may have some built-in Bonus Points as a puzzle based on knowing the inoculation, incubation, and evaluation information on all the unknown experiments (explained during the MIDTERM Review).

NOTE: Final grades must be at least 80% must be from paper/pencil in-class practicals, testing and evaluation. 

*ALL 3 major Exams must be taken "IN-CLASS" with the exception of those students who take tests/exams at the college testing center  (for those students with verified learning disabilities).  Students with learning disabilities must officially notify the instructor during the first week of class so that appropriate measures to assist them may be organized.

ADDITIONAL RULES, Assistance, and Recommendations for my classes:   This class is not difficult but it is very very time-consuming and requires the good organization as well as discrimination with respect to your personal time constraints. If you are great at short answer and essay or if you are not willing to keep up with the assignments and work "AHEAD" of your deadlines - perhaps you should take another Microbiology instructor - each instructor teaches the class slightly differently and has slightly different daily/weekly requirements and testing methods.   If you want to make a good grade (B or A) in my sections please see "How to make an "A" in microbiology on the Nav page of the Microwebsite. 

All of my classes will be required to make their own Lab Manual in order to understand and learn about the lab procedures and to reduce the expensive losses that we have when students misuse testing laboratory media.  Many students find this advance preparation/learning requirement upsetting and too time-consuming; you should consider this in advance of taking my classes (talk to others that have taken Micro from me).  The purpose of the advance Lab Manual assignments is to familiarize you with the material for the Lab Practical (20%) and the MIDTERM Exam (20%) and to reduce lab losses from students who do not understand "how" to do each experiment.  Additionally you should read the following additional class considerations:
  • There are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS/TESTS etc... You will receive an "i" in the class if you miss a major exam and do not "plan" for another administration with permission (usually within a day or so during my office hours at my convenience). 

  • On any exam, you may NOT exceed the maximum of the points for the exam - YOU CANNOT MAKE MORE THAN 100% ON ANY EVALUATION, should there be a BONUS offered on the test/exam.

  • You cannot miss a major course requirement/assignment and you must take the tests during the regular posted times (I may offer the test at another time within a day or so from your assigned test. With verified excuses, ask for permission to take it at another administration during my office hours at my convenience).

  • THERE ARE NO BONUS POINTS IN THE CLASS other than those listed and available to EVERYONE Unknown CARDS + Lib. Assignment & as a few Essays given as Pop Quizzes).  No one is given any Bonus assignments not available to EVERYONE equally.  The total Bonus points in a class cannot exceed 3% of the total class points.

  • If you are LATE - there is NO EXTRA TIME.  Remember if you arrive late, for a weekly chapter exam you will be given the question sheet but your paper will be taken at the normal EXAM END TIME the same as everyone who attended on time - NO MAKEUPS!  YOU MAY COME and BEGIN/PREPARE EARLY!
  • You will receive a gradesheet at least 4 times during the term if you supply me with your official college email address during the first week of classes or it is on the college registration.  I will communicate with you through this email in emergency circumstances. 
  • On the Sunday before each major exam, I will have posted a Zoom session for Q and A!" 
  • CHEATING will not be tolerated in any form.  I am different from any other instructor you have known - I enforce academic honesty completely.  If you often cheat, I suggest you take another instructor.  I will NOT tolerate cheating in any form.  If you see cheating, I expect to be informed at that instant - even during evaluation. If you see cheating and you do not inform me, you are considered guilty of cheating as well.  I expect those around a cheater to tell me if they see cheating immediately by email if it is an out-of-class assignment or using a discrete note to me during a test/exam.  If you are caught cheating, you will receive a "0" for that assignment; if it is a BiWeekly chapter test your benefit of dropping the two lowest grades will be void and you will receive a "0" for that chapter test.  If you are caught cheating on major course requirements, you must drop the class take a W or withdraw - WF.  ADDING MADE-UP DATA ON YOUR UNKNOWN OR SAYING YOU DID A TEST WE DIDN'T DO IS CHEATING = 0. When cheating occurs, I will ask you to leave the class immediately and I will ask for and record all information on the incident.  This information and my evaluation will be forwarded to the Dept. Head for action and a meeting with you, the Dept. Head and myself.  Further action may be taken at the discretion of the college.  Officially recorded academic dishonesty may result in a notation on your Academic Record and can affect you the rest of your life.  Cheating is easily defined (plagiarism is cheating in my classes) but if you need additional exact definitions please see the LONG SYLLABUS or your college advisor.  NOTE:  texting, talking or communicating with anyone during an evaluation is cheating.
DAILY Classroom Behavior:

~ Arrive ahead of time, put your "things" in your chair, wash your hands, and put on gloves, lab coat, and face mask.  Wipe-down the tabletop working area and allow it to dry. Copy the Announcements (left board) into the front of your lab record book by date (1 date per page front and back is OK).  You may also organize your Lab Record Book with the announced laboratory exercises written 'back to front as demonstrated in class.

PLEASE NO ACTIVE CELL PHONES, NO TEXTING, NO READING OF EMAIL or EMAILING DURING CLASS OR LAB! Warning 1st time -10 pts afterward on your next test grade!  TURN your electronic devices OFF or Vibrate when entering the classroom!!! You may tape-record or use a laptop to take notes, but do not "chat" or "email/text" in lectures.  Some classes, labs, and help sessions are videotaped for teaching purposes and to improve instruction; by attending you are giving your permission to be filmed in a teaching situation.

PLEASE no:  sleeping, eating, drinking, smoking, applying makeup, or any distracting behavior during the class. "Horseplay" is not acceptable behavior in the lab or classroom.   You are NOT allowed into the Microbiology area without a staff/instructor; however, you may enter the classroom if the door is open if you wash your hands and disinfect yourself before seating yourself to study.  DO NOT COME INTO THE LAB or LECTURE ROOMS and work on the lab without permission.  Labs meet during scheduled times ONLY.  Remember: DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING DURING LAB - microbes are "out!"  PLEASE, no visible coffee cups, bottles, or food of any kind.

Each student is expected to show equal and proper respect to others. You have a right to free speech and free association outside a formal classroom.  Please avoid any overt or perceived actions that might be interpreted as prejudice or discrimination based on: age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, disability, or economic status; such is PROHIBITED in this class and is grounds for immediate dismissal from the class!  If you have a difficulty in class or believe you have been mistreated, please contact the instructor privately as soon as possible.  We benefit from the extreme diversity of our student population.  Everyone in a free democratic society MUST respect and defend the dignity and value of each of its members equally... Suggestions are encouraged to improve the class and the lab - EMAIL ME!

DO NOT BE a person caught CHEATING (in ANY WAY) such as: talking, whispering, cheat sheets, copying, or exchanging different "FORMS" of any test during administration)... If you are seen cheating and you check your score online and see a "0", you do NOT  have an error in your grade!  When I see cheating I take witness statements as well as the "Proctor's" statement... Then, I apply the consequences. If you wish to challenge this please make an appointment by email! Otherwise, I will expect to see you AGAIN IN ANOTHER TERM...
 *PLEASE NOTE the following comments about grading/emailing/completing scantrons:

*5-10 points will be taken from ALL PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR GRADING for each of the following errors... EVERY TIME YOU DO THIS:
ON EACH PAPER RECORD YOUR Last name, then your First name upper right corner, record your Class number & Section # (#0930;  #0931 or another section number), and record the TEST FORM LETTER AND NUMBER (i.e., Exam 1B#4; PQ1A or PQ2B) ----- DO NOT COMPLETE THE "NAME, etc" box of INFORMATION ON THE "BACK" side of any SCANTRON ---- USE FRONT SIDE ONLY for Name/class/form/date info!!! 

An example for a typical Scantron answersheet is below:

NAME:   PRINT last name, first 
SUBJECT:  M-20 #0930         
FORM:  LP1B #32
DATE: 9/23/2023                        
PERIOD: (blank unless you have an“I” than term/class then class number and term you received an "i")

*Each email to me at hicksmicro@gmail.com​ must include in the SUBJECT area, your LAST NAME, first name, Class, and Section number as well as a brief "hook" as to the information you require.  I do not answer Emails on the last class nights before an exam.



Required Materials for all MICROBIOLOGY CLASSES: you may purchase/rent OR USED texts CHEAPER online at: http://www.bigwords.com;  http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.walmart.com;  http://www.half.com  or see the my Microwebsite at: http://faculty.lacitycollege.edu/hicksdr for OTHER suggestions  http://www.directtextbook.com
1.      IN OUR MICRODROPBOX - DO NOT BUY!   "Microbiology:Principles & Explorations” 6th, 7th, 8th 9th or International Edition by J. Black 0470541091 978-0470541098 ISBN 978-0-470-54109-8 or ISBN 978-1-1181-2923-4) NOTE: The StudyGuide that is published by the same author is A VERY GOOD ONE but it is NOT the text, don't be fooled online! You may purchase an ONLINE version with a  publisher code at the Wiley publisher website. Or you may purchase the text which includes the code from a college bookstore.  YOU DO NOT NEED THE PUBLISHER CODE but it often is "bundled" with the textbook and is useful for helping you study.  I often take my questions from the publisher's study questions.  YOU MUST ONLY have access to THIS TEXT, you DO NOT HAVE TO BUY IT! You may not utilize a Micro text by another author.

2.     IN OUR MICRODROPBOX - DO NOT BUY! “A Photographic Atlas for The Microbiology Laboratory”  any edition by Leboffe & Pierce 0895826569 978-0895826565  – This illustrated handbook is a photo study of the common experiments (positive and negative results) in Microbiology and is available at the College Bookstore - YOU CAN SHARE ONE WITH YOUR LAB PARTNER or look at something similar Google search...No Need to buy it...
3.        DAILY Access to your college registered email address and the World-wide Web or Internet is required of all students.  DAILY/Nightly access (THAT MEANS EVERY DAY or NIGHT) to the class website hicksmicro.blogspot.com - this is necessary for Pop Quiz review, assignments, review, and research.  If you do not have a home computer with Internet access, you may use the college machines; ask your counselor for the procedures at your college! PLEASE CHECK THE FIRST PAGE OF THE WEBSITE FOR EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENTS JUST BEFORE EACH SCHEDULED CLASS - EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENTS/CLASS CANCELLATIONS will be posted there!  

4.   *Contacting the instructor and appointments plus INSTRUCTOR OFFICE HOURS: 6 PM before each class I am available in the classroom or you may contact me by email for another appointment or at all times by contacting through TEXT. 
Whenever you contact me by email in the SUBJECT LINE put your last name and class/section number and a one-word or short phase IDEA of the topic of the email HicksMicro@gmail.com





6.      A cotton or cotton mix (NOT PLASTIC) Laboratory Smock or Lab Coat that has long sleeves and reaches below the waist     (AMAZON. COM OR Sassonscrubs.com 821 South Cecilia Street Unit 6, downtown Los Angeles, CA 90014 (323) 828-5222 ---- say Dr. Hicks sent you... go in a group and get a DISCOUNT!)  These lab coats are CHEAP and good quality and located in LA, a “SHARPIE” click to close BROAD TIP BLACK felt-tip marker, 4/200 place full-page Scantron Form #884-ES Answer sheets, 10 Scantron #882 - 100 place Answer sheets for PopQuizes, a box of  Nitrile or Latex plastic gloves that fit YOU (non-sterile; these are provided in Biol 112), a small bottle of “Nail Polish Remover,” 1 can of "Bon Ami" (ONLY this brand!) which is non-scratch slide cleaning powder from Vons, colored pencils, black pen, and several number 2 pencils with  GOOD ERASERS! A SMALL BATTERY-powered personal FAN TO DRY SLIDES!!!!!

7.       UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS BY COLLEGE <<LACC - Bookstore MICROLAB KIT>>You are asked to replace disposable items utilized in LAB.  Your replaceable supplies fee will be used to supply your latex gloves and other disposable lab items - do not buy gloves.  You may also purchase pre-washed slides (but you will still have to re-wash them) and a slide storage box from a school store or hospital supply house (this is to carry slides home to wash). - if you are allergic to Latex, you must buy your own gloves... 

NOTE:  Drawers assigned are NOT secure.  Bring our Lab Coat and Cleaned slides back and forth in a bag etc.

FINAL EXAM DATES POSTED later on the COLLEGE CALENDAR - they are NOT modifiable! 
GENERAL Student Learning Objectives for Microbiology:

A.) A student in the Microbiology course will describe and explain the disease process as it relates to bacterial, viral, protozoan, and fungal infections.

B.) A student in the Microbiology course will explain the biochemical processes of the cell such as cell respiration, DNA replication, and genetic recombination, and analyze the significance of these processes to the organism.

C.) A student in the microbiology course will correctly perform staining procedures and biochemical tests, will organize their data, and utilize the results to determine the identity of an unknown bacteria.

D.) A student in the Microbiology course will dress and apply the incomplete or modified universal precautions; they will consistently apply the proper aseptic techniques which will be used in clinical practice.

E.) A student in the Microbiology course will describe and evaluate the physical and chemical methods of controlling microbial growth.

F.) A student in the Microbiology course will describe and explain the body’s immune response to bacterial and viral infections
A Successful Completion of Microbiology requires an individual final project that simultaneously demonstrates mastery of all the aforementioned SLO's.  We will accomplish this via our Formal (typed) Unknown Laboratory Report as explained in the Microwebsite  .