Your SAFETY is our concern!

A photo of a Micro student applying the partial or incomplete Universal Precautions (with SPLASH precautions)...


Students in my Microbiology classes must ALWAYS apply the Modified, Incomplete or Partial UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS during a Microbiology Laboratory. The deadline for using precautions in ANY class is when bacteria/microbes are visible in the "room."

The Universal Precautions were developed by the Federal Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC -P) to prevent the spread of the most easily transmitted contagious disease microbes - Hepatitis A virus - from health care worker to the patient or from the patient to the health care worker. Which is more important? Preventing illness transmission from the health care worker to the patient. Explain to me why this is true?

Our partial/incomplete/modified Universal Precautions include: (1) a mask/face shield (only if there is a possibility of a "splash" with a dangerous microbe) (2) latex or Nitrile gloves (3) a cotton or cotton blend or disposable lab long sleeve cotton or cotton blend waist or longer length Laboratory coat or smock & (4) careful aseptic & sterile technique. 

While WE DO NOT USE HUMAN PATHOGENS, we do use microbes that "look" and grow similar to pathogenic microbes.  We expect EVERY student to treat the organisms that we use in the Micro Lab "as if they were assumed to be deadly" and thus each student develops proper laboratory behavior...  Students may not leave the lab while in lab attire.   STUDENTS may not work in the lab alone without an instructor present.  If you are early and no instructor is present, you may sit and study, disinfect, wash your hands or organize you lecture materials - you may NOT do any lab.  You may complete Lab work ONLY when an instructor is present.

Our labs function under Biosafety level 1.5.  In my classes this means that we: have no visible food or drink, wash our hands before and after gloving, disinfect the countertops before and after each use, do not use human pathogens, disinfect any spills, utilize proper sterile aseptic techniques and lab attire, lock the outside corridor doors while microbes are out and in use and that splash precautions unlikely to be needed.  do not leave the room while wearing our lab attire and outside/unregistered persons are NOT be present while the test microbes are visible in the lab. 

*If you have long hair, please wear it "up" or tied back as Bunsen Burners can be dangerous when you have long hair.  No "flowing" scarves etc as well.

*Students are also asked to report to the instructor any breakages or spills immediately - I WILL TAKE CARE OF ANY BROKEN GLASS - DO NOT DO THIS YOURSELF!!!!  


EVERYONE will be assigned a seat (which is also your SCOPE #)  and a lab drawer alphabetically.  If you have a documented sight or hearing problem, please tell your instructor before the 4th class of the term during seat assignments.  

After the first lab period you have this term you must follow this daily protocol for every class period.   As you enter the Micro Lab Room for lecture you are to place your books in your chair and wash your hands (20-30 sec) rinse them well and dry them with no more than 2 panels of paper towel - save your paper towel from drying your hands to smear disinfectant on your tabletop.  Using the labeled disinfect bottle on your laboratory bench area, spray the tabletop and use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to "smear" the disinfectant over the tabletop.  Let the tabletop AIR DRY.  After drying completely you may put your "things" on the tabletop. You must do this before class, before lab and after lab (if you did lab that day).  DO NOT TOUCH THE TABLE TOP before disinfection!  

Students are reminded to use the same piece of paper towel used to dry your hands AFTER hand washing to "smear" a small amount of the disinfectant --- THEN, allow it to AIR DRY!  DO NOT DRY-OFF the table-top with paper towel...  The table-top must AIR DRY BEFORE it is used.  Please put the used paper towel in a garbage can when you are finished smearing the disinfectant around the table top.  Most days you have lecture and laboratory.  REMEMBER at the beginning and after finishing any laboratory procedures all students MUST repeat this disinfection and then the hand washing process.  

When in lab, we put our personal items in our chairs and push them under the table and stand while working at the bench. YOU MAY MOVE SOME CHAIRS TO THE "SIDES" OF THE CLASSROOM BUT, PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHAIRS TO THEIR CORRECT SPOTS after THE LAB).  Microscopes are utilized and experiments are done while standing; we do not sit in the chairs.  PLEASE, NO CHAIRS IN THE TABLE AISLES as it is hazardous to everyone - push them under the bench! PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BOOKS and BOOK BAGS ON THE FLOOR in the aisles or in an empty seat - "chairs are for people only" - put them in your chair OR UNDER YOUR TABLE and push your chair completely under the lab bench.

During TESTING/EVALUATION books and book bags etc are placed at the FRONT of the room on or under the teacher tables and out of the walking paths as directed by your instructor; seating is usually RANDOMLY assigned for evaluation.


In my MICRO-20 classes, 4-8 people at the same table in the same class "share" the locked outside set of "A" lab drawers with the "purple" combination locks.  Inside the Micro lab drawers should be the following items: 2 wooden blocks, 4 loops, 2 needles, 1 slide box, Bibulous paper, 2 Bunsen burners, and your personal items in zip locked bags (gloves, lab glasses, Bon Ami slide cleaning powder, a  blunt point black Sharpie, etc). Please DO NOT PUT strikers, lens paper, water bottles or table top items in your lab drawer and refrain from moving items to other drawers.  If we find them you will have points deducted for everyone in your drawer group.  You are responsible that these items remain in your drawer when you "check-out" of lab on the last lab day.  Lab Drawers are checked for neatness every two weeks by the lab staff. If you are "overflow" and sitting along the sides of the classroom your drawers will be assigned under the windows (see the instructor in class).

I will provide a combination lock and we will record the serial numbers and combinations BEFORE giving it to your group.  WRITE THIS COMBINATION AND DRAWER NUMBER ON THE 1ST PAGE OF YOUR LRB NOW!  THE BOTTOM drawers "B, C & D" are for use by other classes with other professors.  Remember, these locks/drawers have been used "as is" for years - DO NOT STORE VALUABLES IN YOUR LABORATORY DRAWERS!


IF YOU HAVE AN ACCIDENT OR BREAK GLASS - INFORM THE INSTRUCTOR IMMEDIATELY, do not attempt to "clean-up" broken glass - do spray the area with disinfectant if there are microbes involved.  If you have a "spill" of a microbe, disinfect the area with the Disinfectant/Lysol spray and wipe it up with paper towel - discard the paper towel in the garbage can.  YOU SHOULD CHECK YOUR TABLE SINK DAILY and clean-out any paper or debris using gloves. REMEMBER: Students are also asked to report to the instructor any breakages or spills immediately - I WILL TAKE CARE OF ANY BROKEN GLASS - DO NOT DO THIS YOURSELF!!!!  


When a test or procedure is complete students are directed to place any microbially- contaminated disposable (PLASTIC, PLASTIC PETRI DISHES, COTTON, PAPER, or WOOD) items in the ORANGE-RED BIOHAZARD BAG located on the "DISCARD CART or along the sides of the room" or under the biohazard hood --- you do not have to remove tape or Sharpie marks from Biohazard Bag discarded items. 

LARGE & MEDIUM test tubes are to be placed in the inclined LARGE SLANTED wire baskets or in appropriate sized test tube racks (SMALL tubes are place similarly in the SMALL slanted baskets) located on the top of the Discard Cart or in the Biohazard hood in a DISCARD RACK supplied.  DO NOT MIX SIZES OF TUBES IN THE SAME CONTAINER! 

PLASTIC PETRI DISHES are to be placed in 

GLASS PETRI DISHES are to be place in the to be autoclaved plastic bin on the second shelf of the Discard Cart - DO NOT PLACE GLASS PETRI DISHES IN THE BIOHAZARD BAG - remove the marks/tape and place glass plates in the labeled plastic bin for autoclaving, washing and reuse.

NOTE: Please  REMOVE all "Sharpie" marks and tape before any GLASS item is discarded and always incline the tubes in a SLANTED BASKET or test tube rack to prevent spills.   NEVER write in the "frosted" areas of test tubes please. 

AGAIN, No food, drink, makeup application, or loose long hair is permitted in the laboratory area.  Do not leave food or drink or valuables in the lab drawers... 

If lab materials are discarded improperly and you notice it, please correct the situation yourself!  Remove the marks and tape and place the tubes in the SLANTED DISCARD BASKETS - large in large baskets, small together with small.  

If your instructor notices improper discarding of hazardous materials, the class or lab will be warned only 1 time.  If this happens again then the class will be immediately cancelled and a SAFETY EXAM given upon the NEXT MEETING OF THE CLASS!  All students MUST PASS any SAFETY EXAMS with a 60% or be Dropped from the class.  This is your ONLY NOTICE!


Aseptic Technique means following the demonstrations and procedures exactly so that you keep microbes in the proper place and avoiding CONTAMINATION or unwanted microbes (mixtures).  Contamination is a microbe in the WRONG place. Sterile technique is a process that results in having NO MICROBES at a site.  NEVER lay anything directly on the tabletop (no tubes, caps, lids, loops, needles - NOTHING).  Loops, needles, test tubes - all should be kept in a wooden block or plastic rack (provided by the college).  Never allow a cap or plug on a counter-top it should be capping the tube or in your "little finger" - NEVER on a table!  Always "flame" the lip of tubes and bottles before and after use.  Never lay a test tube horizontally on a table.  Never lay down a loop or needle and always flame loops and needles after use.  Never have a plate, tube or bottle open for more than a few seconds...
Store bacteria in the refrigerator after growth and never return slanted bacteria to the incubator after incubation - always put it to REFRIGERATE!


Students in normal health have no reason to fear Microbiology, including pregnant students.  Those students in poor health or with severe health problems should discuss taking Microbiology with their personal physician AND the instructor BEFORE enrollment   Students who are on chemo, under radiation therapy or with lowered T4-cell counts (below 300/cc) should discretely notify the teacher of their situation BEFORE lab commences!


Students with special learning or attention problems MUST inform me of these issues during the FIRST WEEK of classes so that we can make arrangements for you.  We want you to be successful in MICROBIOLOGY but you must inform us in a timely manner so that we can provide for your special needs... Students with a documented sight/hearing problem should notify the instructor on the day of the desk assignments (NOT THOSE JUST PREFERRING TO SIT AT THE FRONT!).  Students who have English as second language should also notify the instructor discretely if you anticipate problems with the language of instruction.


If you recieve an EMERGENCY TEXT from the college, notify the instructor immediately.  If you hear a REPEATING BELL (or a continuous Bell with Strobe Flashes) that is the fire or emergency evacuation signal.  Please gather your personal items, turn off your gas jets and move in an orderly manner out into the hall to the outside parking lot lot (Biol 112 in front of the Admin Bldg; M20/1 meet in the parking area in front of the Child Dev. Cntr).  DO NOT LEAVE as the instructor must take the roll to make sure no one was left in the building.  SEVERAL LONG CONTINUOUS bells means that there is an all clear.  These rules also apply to earthquakes.  If the shaking is sudden and violent and lasts for more than a few seconds, turn off the gas jets and get UNDER THE TABLES until you are instructed to leave the building.  If there is a sudden jolt and/or a moderate rolling and there is no falling ceiling panels; quickly turn off the gas jets, gather your personal things and meet me in the designated parking lot.


Please PRINT-OUT ONLY THIS single PAGE,  sign it, and turn it into your instructor during the first week of class.  NOTE: Some classes, labs, and help sessions are videotaped for teaching purposes, to improve instruction and improve safety procedures.  

Please sign below indicating that you have read, discussed and agree with these procedures and Safety instructions.  By signing you   promise to abide our SAFETY guidelines. Print-out this page and bring it to your class during the first 3 sessions of class. Thanks!

                                     (PRINT Last, First name)

CLASS:M-20 Section#:_____________________

TERM/year:_________________________   LACCD ID#:___________________________________
